ISA Hall of Fame

ISA Hall of Fame Members

Read more about each Hall of Fame member.

ISA Hall of Fame Protocol

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Ice Skating Australia's Hall of Fame

The Hall of Fame was inaugurated on 28 August, 2004 to celebrate the centenary of ice skating in Australia.

There were twenty two inaugural inductees whose names and the citations applicable to each are listed on the honour roll below. (please click to enlarge)

Criteria for selection to the Hall are that inductees must:

  • Have ceased the activity for which they are being recognized for at least two years prior to nomination
  • Have achieved significantly beyond that which might reasonably be expected of other people in a like field

Recognition may be given to athletes, officials, coaches and others who have made significant contributions in any field directly related to ice skating.

ISA Hall Of Fame Members

Celebrating The Centenary Of Ice Skating In Australia​

1904 – 2004

H.Newman Reid

A member of the consortium which built the Adelaide “Ice Palace”. A figure skater, hockey player and speed skater. He was a registered member of the “ Stockholms Allmanna Skridskoklubb” and represented Sweden (Australia) in the World Championships in 1911 and 1912. He was manager of the Sydney “Glaciarium” from 1907 until 1937 and of the Sydney “Ice Palais” in 1938 and again from 1948 until 1952. 

Dunbar Poole

A member of the consortium which built the Adelaide “Ice Palace”. A figure skater, hockey player and speed skater. He was a registered member of the “ Stockholms Allmanna Skridskoklubb” and represented Sweden (Australia) in the World Championships in 1911 and 1912. He was manager of the Sydney “Glaciarium” from 1907 until 1937 and of the Sydney “Ice Palais” in 1938 and again from 1948 until 1952. 

Sydney R. Croll

Three times Australian Ice Dance Champion, Waltz Champion, Men’s Champion, hockey player and speed skater. He was an ISU World Championship Referee and Olympic Judge and President of what is now Ice Skating Australia in 1934 and 1935 and from 1961 until 1976. He was awarded the title President Emeritus following his retirement. The S. R. Croll Award is named in his honor. 

Pat Gregory

Australia’s first Gold medallist at the International standard. Pat Gregory was a Sydney professional skater who had a very high profile career as a show skater in Europe, paricularly the U.K., North America and in Australia where she toured the theatre circuit for many years and introduced tank shows to the Leagues Clubs in N.S.W. 

Frank Parsons

Melbourne skater who skated in the U.K. for many years, competed in the British Championships, taught and skated in T.V. Productions. He later distinguished himself as a judge and an administrator in both the Victorian and Australian Associations becoming an ISU World Championship Referee and Olympic Judge. 

Reg Park

A refrigeration expert who with a syndicate formed in 1903 built and managed Australia’s first artificial ice rink in Adelaide known as the “Ice Palace”. The rink opened in 1904 but closed in 1905. He subsequently moved to Melbourne where he built and for many years managed the “Glaciarium” there which opened in 1906.

Pat Burley

Developer and operator over many years of ice rinks in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland and of portable rinks for touring ice shows.

Nancy Burley

Wife of Pat, World Championship competitor and Olympic representative. Starred in Holiday on Ice shows in Europe for many years.

Sharon Burley

First daughter of Pat and Nancy. 4 times Australian Ladies Champion, 5 times World Championship competitor, Olympic Games representative and star of American ice show, Ice Capades, for 5 years.

Robyn Burley

Second daughter of Pat and Nancy, 3 times Australian Ladies Champion, twice World Championship competitor and winner of the World Professional Ladies Championship.

Jacqueline Mason (Kendall- Baker) and Mervyn Bower

Twelve times Australian Pair Skating Champions, twice World Championship competitors, Olympic Games representatives. Jacqueline served for many years as an official of both the New South Wales and Australian Associations and was an ISU World Championship Judge.

Danielle Carr ( McGrath) and Stephen Carr

Nineteen times Australian Pair Skating Champions, 4 times Junior World Championship competitors and fourteen times Senior World Championship competitors, 3 times Olympic Representatives. 

Gretchen Doolan

Skater and coach of elite World and Olympic representatives particularly during the 1970s and 1980s.

Cameron Medhurst

Eight times Australian Champion, 3 times Junior World competitor, 9 times World Championship competitor and three times Olympic Games representative.

Anthony Liu

Seven times Australian Champion, Junior World competitor, 7 times World Championship competitor, winner World University Games and twice Olympic Games representative. He is the first Australian to execute a quadruple revolution jump.

Elizabeth and Peter Cain

Four times Australian Champions, winners of the British Junior Championships, medallists in the British Senior Championships and in the ISU Junior Championships, 4 times World Championship competitors and Olympic Games representatives.

Michael Pasfield

Twice Australian Champion, twice ISU Junior Championship competitor, figure medallist in the ISU Junior Championships, Junior World Championship competitor and twice World Championship competitor.

Joanne Carter

Joanne “Jo” Carter (born 17 April 1980) remains Australia’s most successful Australian female figure skater, and has made major contributions to our sport over many, many years.

Mary-Ellen Mather

Mary-Ellen was the back bone of the Western Australian Ice Skating Association. She encouraged and supported the WA athletes in all disciplines of the sport whenever she could and has been a major contributor to the policies and success of WAISA, as a founding member and driving force behind the Association since 1977.

Marcel Kingsley Doolan

Born in Marrickville NSW, Marcel Doolan passed away in April 1996. He was a practicing solicitor who gave generously of his time and skills to build and advance the sport. 

Monica MacDonald

Monica MacDonald has been involved in figure skating for over 35 years as a competitive skater and coach. She was a World and International competitor in Ice Dance from 1984 to 1992 becoming the first Australian to medal at an International event in Dance with partner Rodney Clarke.

Wendy Langton

Wendy Langton’s association with the sport of figure skating is quite considerable.
Her notable contributions are in administration and officiating, and she was also one of the founders of the Sydney Figure Skating Club, the oldest Australian figure skating club, as well as a founding member of Canterbury Ice Rink CoOperative Ltd.

ISA Hall Of Fame

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Nomination Form